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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Still doing paperwork!!

We are still trying to get through these 2 piles of paperwork. We are waiting for birth certificates to come in. We have been blessed with awesome friends that have done their part and filled out the questionnaires they were sent. Now, we are tweaking ours that we have to do for the homestudy. I was hoping to have our home study done by Aug. 1st but it looks like that may be when we get it started. The unrealistic goals I have set for us!! Whatever, we are just going to keep trucking along. We will get there, one step at a time!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

the paperwork keeps coming!!!

So, I got one set of papers off to the agency in New york and then I get a new set from the local agency. I start thumbing through, doing what I can and then I get another set from New york!! Gotta love all the paperwork. Whatever it takes, Sorry David Maus, I am borrowing your slogan for the time being. I can make it through it all, it is going to be but a faint memory when I get my boy. It's all good!! Ok, that's my little pep talk!! We are having to take adoption education classes, I am actually enjoying them and learning things. It is great to have examples to use and questionaires to have on hand when we need to look for a Dr. Well, that's where we are at this point, more papers, more $$$!! They seem to go hand in hand!! LOL

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Adoption education

We have started our online adoption education. Fun stuff, it actually has given me a few things to think about and some tips on how to recognize certain things. I knew having an adopted child would be a challenge but the parenting style you have to use seems to be different and some "outsiders" may see it as babying or allowing the child to get away with more but it is more like getting the child to attach and bond with you. I think we are up for the challenge if it presents itself. Just makes life more interesting!

Paperwork, paperwork

I got another package of paperwork to fill out On Thurs. It was only 33 pages of contract and sign here, sign there! Yuck, but hey that's what it takes to get this little boy then bring it on!!! We seem to moving along steadily, I should get another package this coming week from the local agency and even more paperwork to fill out!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Local Agency

Yesterday, 7/7/09, we sent off our package of stuff to the local agency that will be doing our home study. I gathered as many of required documents as I had and sent them along with the application, snapshot and $$$ so we can get a jump start. I am sooooo hoping to have our home study done by the first part of Aug., that may be a little too ambitious but I am going to try!!! I got a call from my friend Kristin, she had exciting news, her domestic adoption came through and she got to pick up her little girl today. I am so happy for her, Tony and little Sophia. What a wonderful week this has been for both of our families! I can't wait to get our little boy and hold him!!

Friday, July 3, 2009


So, it has been almost a month since we submitted our application to our agency. They had to send it to Korea for an approval of our pre-screen. Waiting is not my strong suite at this point. Finally today, I received an email from our agency saying that we had been approved!!! Yippee!! Now on to the next phase! I am praying that all this goes smoothly and quickly and we can get our baby!! Still miles to go, one step at a time, I need to quit looking at the big picture, a ittle overwhelming at the moment!!