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Sunday, August 30, 2009

home study visit

Today was our last home study visit for now! Yippee!!! Happy, happy, joy,joy!!! We are so glad to have those behind us, not that it was a bad process, just steps closer to getting our baby. Hopefully my SW will get everything written up and sent over to us quickly so that we can get it all finalized and sent to Korea. We are getting there!! I am so excited to have that all done.


  1. Hello! We are with the same agency (our documents went over in June) and I've been following your journey. Congratulations on a big step accomplished! You're moving right along! Hopefully the SW will get things together quickly and your documents will be in Korea in no time!

    Kim H.

  2. Thanks, we are glad to have that done, now for our SW to get it written up and sent to the NY agency!
