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Sunday, November 29, 2009


Our Thanksgiving was like it is every year. My hubby had to work, he usually takes an hour or so for lunch that day and joins me at my aunt's house for THE FEAST!!! My cousin's wife who is 7 or so months pregnant asked us if we had everything for the baby, are you kidding me? I told her no, that we were waiting for our referral before we were going to make any big purchases. I am not sure where that conversation was leading, maybe I was supposed to ask if she needed something??? I dunno, whatever, sometimes I think she is in another world.

Friday, my sis and I got up way too early and went shopping. We were standing outside Target at 4:20AM, I did get the one thing I went there for, a new TV. I was on a mission, I ran to the back of the store where the little map said they would be and dragged it behind me until I caught up with my sis who had the cart. It was interesting to say the least. Everyone we talked to were extremely nice except this one 14 year old that called my sis a "bi&%h", my sis just turned and said, am I holding you up? the girl's jaw just dropped, it was priceless!!

We saved a lot of money and spent a lot of money, I can't wait until I can have a Christmas where I am shopping for our little one, next year I am hoping!!

Sat. was a catch up on sleep day and Sun. was a go into work and try to catch up day. All in all, I have a great bit of time off and not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

wonderful week

Last week was just awesome. I am really getting somewhere with something I am wanting to do and it just feels awesome. I have found some great people to work with and it looks like my dream, my passion is quickly becoming a reality. I want to reveal it to everyone but still have a few things to get in order. I am hoping to be able to do an official unveil in Jan., could be sooner but I am shooting for Jan.

In the mean time, I saw these and when they are back in stock, I am ordering a pair for my Ethan. He may hardly use them because we live in FL but whatever.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

just a moment

It takes just a moment in time to ask a question, once you ask, the answer may surprise you. I have a lot of surprises lately!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Window shopping

Rob and I went window shopping over the weekend. I told him we should go see how much the "big ticket" items would be so we can prepare for the added expense. That is one sure way to freak a man out!! Anyway, I saw this and am thinking this will be the theme for the room. We are going to incorporate some sock Monkeys too since I have already bought a few and plan on getting a few KilSook art work!!

What do you think? The room is already painted a creamed coffee color so i thought the darker brown and green would look nice.

I love window shopping, I can't wait to be able to say we are going to "buy" Ethan's stuff for his room, that will be an awesome and stressful day!! (Awesome for me, stressful for the hubby!!)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

One Month

Today marks one month that we have been "officially" waiting. I have mixed feelings, I think wow a month already and then I think, only a month. I am hoping the holidays keep us busy. It is going to be hard because of all the kids in the family and my cousin's wife is about 7 months pregnant, so, that is kind of an in your face type thing. This having to wait just SUCKS!!!

Anyway, happy one month of waiting to us!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Feeling Better

Today is a better day. I have been in a funk the last few days and I think it had to do with Halloween. I guess it just bothers me that we have been in the adoption "waiting" game for over 2 years, including our China adoption. There are days when it just hurts to see other people with children when we have waited so long already to have a child of our own. I am thankful that we have not ridden all the roller coaster rides at the "wanting to be a parent theme park" but come on already!! The swan boats can only go in so many circles!! I am tired of waiting, my legs are sick of peddling already!! I wanna go on the Dumbo ride or the kiddy train, even the carousel would suit me!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Talking out both sides of your mouth

So...... I thought I would share something exciting I am trying to put together and in one breath I am being told what a great idea and in the next I am being told to do my research and make sure the idea is feasible. I just get over this type of stuff, I am sick of hearing you have my support as long as you know what you are getting into. WHATEVER!!!! Sometimes, I think people really have no clue of what my life is like.

Anyway, I am staying positive and know that the best way to prove something is to just go do it. So, I am just going to do it!!

Not a whole lot going on, just hoping next year our Halloween will consist of a little people's party!!