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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I think family is important but sometimes, you have to know when to step away and look at the big picture. There has been a lot of "drama" type events going on in my extended family and I just have to step away. I hate when they try to get me in the middle of things, I have enough to deal with without the extra "drama". Granted my cousin's wife is in the hospital because she is having to be monitored, she is 34 weeks pregnant and they are concerned about her and the baby. I just want to stay out of the way, call me if you need something or if the baby comes. Don't call me to give insight on why so and so did such and such.

Ok, enough rambling about that. I am getting closer to launching the project I have been working on and lately and I have been pleasantly surprised on that front. I have put my heart into this so, I will continue to do so as I want to see it succeed and see my mission/goals achieved. It is something that I can be proud of and hope that my son will want to be a part of when he gets older. I have had all kinds of support from friends and strangers that it just warms my heart to know that people care. My family as you can tell has had their hands full with other things.

Anyway, if all goes well, I should have a new baby girl cousin in the next week or so. I do hope that my cousin's wife continues to remain ok and that the baby comes through to this life healthy. Ahhhh........the never ending lessons to be learned!! Hope everyone is having a great week. I am looking up, staying positive and know that WE are not in control, we are merely passengers in this adventure called life!!!

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