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Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 months

So, yesterday was 6 months. I have had a really bad 4 days, family issues, car issues, customer issues and doggie issues. I am so over it all!!

Today, I emailed the agency just to see how things were progressing, there is where I got some good news. We are very close to getting a referral. My SW said she is thinking it will be next month, with a slight chance it could be this month. WOO HOO!!! I am excited about that! Not so excited about the ton of stuff we still need to do to get the house ready but I am excited that we are getting closer.

I hope time flies by and we get our referral and then the 4 months after that just whiz by, wishful thinking I am sure but I need something to hold on to this week.

Here's to hoping your week was better than mine! What does not kill us makes us stronger, I feel my muscles getting bigger as I type this!!


  1. omg!!!!!!!!!! that's WONDERFUL news!!!!! can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Jenny, I can't wait to see our baby's face for the first time. I keep thinking of it as our first sonogram.
