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Thursday, April 15, 2010

We Are The TRUTH

Today, April 15th is an important day. It has been declared by the joint council as "We are The Truth" day. You can read more about it here. So, as a tribute, I am going to tell you a little about our story so far.

About 4 years ago, my husband and I, after trying to conceive for 3 years, decided to pursue adoption. We looked into adopting from China, at the time, the rules were getting ready to change and we knew we would not be ready by the time the new rules were in place. Because of this, it put our adoption journey into a holding pattern for almost a year and a half. Once we got out of that holding pattern, we decided to go forward with China. Little did we know or anticipate at the time that the slow down would get so bad or effect us like it has. We were told that the agency expected things to change after the Olympics, well, they didn't.

We decided after waiting for over a year for China and seeing no end to the wait in sight that we would explore other options. I started my research once again and decided to pursue Korea. We discussed it and decided to move forward. We decided it would not hurt to keep our paperwork in China while pursuing Korea, we made sure it was ok with the agencies we were using to do concurrent adoptions.

So, we went ahead with Korea, we have been in the Korean program, including paper chasing and everything for 11 months and 8 days as of today. How does that make me feel? I am happy to be where we are and to know that we are close t a referral. Has it been hard? Yes, it has. Would I do it over again? At this point, I can say with an open heart and mind that yes, I would. Why, some may ask. My answer is this, I would have never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be where I am today. I have the support of my family and friends and I have made some awesome connections and new friends. Adoption is from the heart and I have met some people with some BIG hearts. I love the journey I am on and I am thankful that I have opened my mind and heart to see that all children need families to love, support and help them grow. With love, a child can thrive and bloom, children that do not have the love and support they need wither. I can't wait to see what our child will bloom into.

I ask you to take this cause serious and blog your truth about adoption. I know that most, if not all, adoption stories have had their bumps in the road but the end result, a family, a beautiful child to love and nurture is why we do it. We all long for that child to hold in our arms, to read to, to watch grow and blossom. Help spread the word that adoption can be a beautiful thing, it's not all gloom and doom like the media would like to have the public think. Let's spread the happy stories too.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 months

So, yesterday was 6 months. I have had a really bad 4 days, family issues, car issues, customer issues and doggie issues. I am so over it all!!

Today, I emailed the agency just to see how things were progressing, there is where I got some good news. We are very close to getting a referral. My SW said she is thinking it will be next month, with a slight chance it could be this month. WOO HOO!!! I am excited about that! Not so excited about the ton of stuff we still need to do to get the house ready but I am excited that we are getting closer.

I hope time flies by and we get our referral and then the 4 months after that just whiz by, wishful thinking I am sure but I need something to hold on to this week.

Here's to hoping your week was better than mine! What does not kill us makes us stronger, I feel my muscles getting bigger as I type this!!