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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Catching up with Life

The weekend and this week so far have been a bit strange. I started with a headache on Sat. which led into a migraine on Mon. It was so bad, I did not know which way was up. For some reason, I did not think it was a migraine, I just thought it was a headache that was being caused by the change in weather, I was feeling a lot of "pressure" in my head. Well, Mon. it reared it's ugly head pretty bad, I had to leave work because I could not keep anything down. It was not pretty!!

I am finally feeling better today but I hate taking medicine because it makes me a little woozie.

So, we found out today that my Brother-in-law had a heart attack over the weekend and no one bothered to call and inform us of this. I guess the thing that upsets me most is I always think that when things like that happen, you call family, that is like my first instinct. Whatever, it's Rob's brother so I guess they need to talk that one out. I will just sit on the sideline.

It does look like the condo is going to be sold, we are just awaiting the Home Owner's Association's approval??? Never heard of such a thing in my life, did not even know that was legal? Whatever, I just want to be done with that already.

I did hear that immigration, USCIS, is done with our updated I-171H so, I am expecting that any day now and then off to Korea with our paperwork!! That will be a day to rejoice!! That's what's happening in my little world, what's going on with you??


  1. oh no! i hope rob's brother is okay! as for the condo, i guess some HOAs are just more hand-on than others and this one is REALLY hands-on! SOON your paperwork will go to Korea!!!! woohoo!

  2. Jenny,
    Rob's brother is ok, apparently they had to put stints in to get rid of the blockage or something.I am not sure about how the whole story goes, I do know he is only 39.
