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Monday, March 29, 2010


So, I went over to my aunt's house on Sat. and we started on Ethan's quilt. I have all this cool Sock monkey print fabric and I love how it is all coming together. The problem??? I can't sew a straight line and it is all driving me up the wall. My hubby says it adds character and I am on the verge of ripping out all the seams and starting over. UGH!!!! I want it to be perfect and it's not.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week in Rewind

Today has been kind of fun. I talked to my niece and she is going to come stay with us for a week in May. She was so cute, she wanted to make sure we were stocked up on Disney movies to make her stay more comfortable. She also wanted to make sure she would get lots of "Shaka kisses". Shaka is our little wiener dog and she loves to give kisses.

Over the past weekend, we went on our cruise. It was heavenly, we got massages, facials and just pampered ourselves. I am a vegetarian so, the head waitress had 2 and 3 entrees sent over to me to make sure I had plenty of food. It was all so yummy!! We had a blast just relaxing, watching shows and chatting it up with people. We learned something new, they can cut you off on a cruise, who knew??? This we learned from one of our many interesting breakfast companions, very interesting story. Passing out in the stairwell, being escorted back to your room by security= a hold on you and your hubby's ship pass card thingy.

I had a wonderful couple of packages waiting for me when we got back. An awesome waiting mom made me a polo shirt and a bag with the TALC logo on it, that was sooooo sweet of her! I also had our adoption t-shirts waiting on us when we got back, we will have to model them. Then, my boss and his wife had the cutest pillows and snuggly blanket for Ethan with monkeys on them, how nice of them!!

One thing I can honestly say about our adoption experience so far is we have felt nothing but love from family, friends and even strangers. I am so blessed to have this journey to take and I would not trade it for the world. The people I have met, the things we have done, the trials we have gone through and being able to start a not for profit are priceless and yet very rewarding.

How was your week???

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am just sitting here thinking. I am thinking about our future son and how old he could be. I know for sure he has been born. What I don't know is exactly how old he is. He could be either 4-5 months or 1-2 months old. Since we should be getting our referral anywhere between April and August, I find peace in knowing he is born and growing and I know he is with a loving foster family.

As I stood in my office this afternoon, I kept seeing in my mind a referral of April, around my mom's birthday (19th) and seeing my hubby's face on his birthday as we receive our child. I know it could all just be wishful thinking but I just have these strong feelings that everything will come together in that way. I guess only time will tell. I just know that if these events do happen in that manner, my mom and hubby will have the bestest birthdays ever.

My friend got to have a conference call with his future son waiting in Taiwan and I got chills from it all. His daughter sang twinkle twinkle little star to him (her future bother) and he sang it back to her in Taiwanese, priceless. I am so happy for him and his family, how blessed they are and it just amazes me everyday how much Adoption Rocks!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful St. Patty's day!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

5 months

We have been waiting a little over 5 months and I just get more and more anxious. We have had some success with our T-shirt fundraiser and I encourage anyone who wants a cool shit that promotes both adoption and family, have a look in our shop, you will find something!!

We are going to take a small vacation next weekend and I am happy about that. I had a horrible migraine this past weekend and I just need a little time to destress!! We are taking a little cruise to the Bahamas, we are looking forward to it.

I know this sounds crazy but I emailed our agency to let them know we would be "out to sea" just in case!!

My friend may be getting his little boy within the next couple of months, I am so excited for him!! How awesome for him and his family.

Kitchen is almost complete, if only I could get that crown molding up and some new paint, we would be good to go. I think we are both starting to do a little nesting, we are planning the baby's room and just trying to figure out flooring and paint and just the flow of the house. Exciting stuff!!

Today is my big sissy's birthday!! She is an awesome person and I love her very much, I sometimes feel I don't tell her that enough. I did sing to her this morning with my very lovely voice!! **cough, cough***

Lots of stuff going on, getting a move on with the not for profit, gotta get the website up to par, time just slips through my fingers!! Time, speed up, time slow down, time give me more time to get everything done!!!

When we get back from our vacation, I going to get together with my aunt and start working on Ethan's quilt. It is going to ROCK!!! Sock monkeys everywhere!!!

Well, that's it for now, what's going on in your corner of the world????

Monday, March 1, 2010


Today was a good day. I was a lot more productive at work than I anticipated. I was able to get off at my normal time instead of having to stay an extra 2 hours like I thought I would to catch up. I emailed our agency because I received our updated 171-H and asked if they needed a copy for our file. At the same time, I thought it would be a good time to see how things were coming along with a referral. Well, I was told they received 4 referrals in Feb., along with 4 families traveled to get their babies and they had just received 2 referrals and had a call to make for travel for one family. I felt good about all of these items. Then, I was told they expect our referral to come in the next month or so. I hope it is in the next month, not so much in the "or so".

Anyway, I am at peace with it and and looking forward to what next month brings. I have a theory, feeling, idea, whatever you want to call it. I am thinking we will get our referral next month and the baby's birthday will coincide with Oct. 7th, I just think that is how it will all be pulled together. I see signs of my grandfather all in this adoption and I think he will come through once again as that date is his birthday. We'll see!

Now, on to my kitchen, we have been doing a remodel and it is almost complete, my kitchen looks a ton better. I am now excited to cook dinner and can't wait to have our baby and cook him some delicious and healthy meals in that kitchen.

Next project, the floors and then on to getting the nursery/ baby's room ready. It has been a long time coming and I just can't wait to have our child in my arms.

I am still working on the Not for Profit, we will have an event here in Orlando, FL in Nov. and I am very excited to have a grand adoption event going on during adoption awareness month. Adoption has truly been a blessing and changed my life, I would not trade this experience for the world!!