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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am just sitting here thinking. I am thinking about our future son and how old he could be. I know for sure he has been born. What I don't know is exactly how old he is. He could be either 4-5 months or 1-2 months old. Since we should be getting our referral anywhere between April and August, I find peace in knowing he is born and growing and I know he is with a loving foster family.

As I stood in my office this afternoon, I kept seeing in my mind a referral of April, around my mom's birthday (19th) and seeing my hubby's face on his birthday as we receive our child. I know it could all just be wishful thinking but I just have these strong feelings that everything will come together in that way. I guess only time will tell. I just know that if these events do happen in that manner, my mom and hubby will have the bestest birthdays ever.

My friend got to have a conference call with his future son waiting in Taiwan and I got chills from it all. His daughter sang twinkle twinkle little star to him (her future bother) and he sang it back to her in Taiwanese, priceless. I am so happy for him and his family, how blessed they are and it just amazes me everyday how much Adoption Rocks!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful St. Patty's day!!


  1. I remember thinking those same thoughts when waiting for our referral...I also had a strong feeling that our son was already born even though it meant that our referral would come sooner than expected. I turned out to be right, and I hope you are, too! That would make for some awesome birthdays. :)

  2. heather, check out my post again... i added to it to explain. basically, you can get that money in a refund :-)

  3. thanks Jenny, that changes a lot!! I am going to post this on the TALC page, you don't mind if I copy and paste from your blog do you?
