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Monday, March 1, 2010


Today was a good day. I was a lot more productive at work than I anticipated. I was able to get off at my normal time instead of having to stay an extra 2 hours like I thought I would to catch up. I emailed our agency because I received our updated 171-H and asked if they needed a copy for our file. At the same time, I thought it would be a good time to see how things were coming along with a referral. Well, I was told they received 4 referrals in Feb., along with 4 families traveled to get their babies and they had just received 2 referrals and had a call to make for travel for one family. I felt good about all of these items. Then, I was told they expect our referral to come in the next month or so. I hope it is in the next month, not so much in the "or so".

Anyway, I am at peace with it and and looking forward to what next month brings. I have a theory, feeling, idea, whatever you want to call it. I am thinking we will get our referral next month and the baby's birthday will coincide with Oct. 7th, I just think that is how it will all be pulled together. I see signs of my grandfather all in this adoption and I think he will come through once again as that date is his birthday. We'll see!

Now, on to my kitchen, we have been doing a remodel and it is almost complete, my kitchen looks a ton better. I am now excited to cook dinner and can't wait to have our baby and cook him some delicious and healthy meals in that kitchen.

Next project, the floors and then on to getting the nursery/ baby's room ready. It has been a long time coming and I just can't wait to have our child in my arms.

I am still working on the Not for Profit, we will have an event here in Orlando, FL in Nov. and I am very excited to have a grand adoption event going on during adoption awareness month. Adoption has truly been a blessing and changed my life, I would not trade this experience for the world!!


  1. you could really have your referral SOON! this is so exciting!!!

  2. Oh I hope it comes very very soon!!!!!
    Love your t shirts, contemplating the adoption rocks one with Korea, :).

  3. Thanks! Me too, I am so hoping we get our referral in April, that would just be awesome and then get the baby in Aug. It would be awesome if we got our baby on my hubby's b-day! Yes, I have a few shirts to order too!! I love the designs!! I am thinking of getting the same ones Elisabeth!
